used in over 500 elections

our customers, partners and funders

Every election deserves a Voting Advice Application.

Get to know VOTO and our easy to use online portal to create your own Voting Advice Application. Online, free and easy.

Project icons

For elections of candidates, parties, hybrid systems on every level. No matter if you expect 100 or 100.000 users.

Create individual statements for your election. Collect policy positions easily through our self-service portal.

Easy execution without prior knowledge and the need to code.

More participation

Voters need reliable information. VOTO creates gamified  content and increases interest and turnout for your election.

  • 68 % of first time voters report  increased interest in the election after using VOTO
  • 63% of under 18 year olds report an increased intention to vote after using VOTO

Four reasons for VOTO

Address your audience interactively

Top reviews

Over 90 percent of users rate their experience with VOTO as good or very good.

Easy to use for every election

The application can be customized for every choice - without any technical knowledge.

Individual profiles

Parties and candidates can present themselves in a self-determined and attractive way on their own profiles.

Barrier-free and accessible

- Multilungual
‍- Explanation of difficult words - Simple buttons and symbols

Isabel Knoche | Digital Creator

“I think online voting aids are a great way to get an initial overview of candidates and campaign topics. After I tested VOTO for the elections in Braunschweig, I found it much easier to make my voting decision.”

Claudia Rolf, Teamleiterin Demokratie, Robert Bosch Stiftung

"Demokratie lebt davon, dass Menschen sich einbringen – und informiert entscheiden. Die VOTO App schafft bei Wahlen den notwendigen Überblick, reduziert Komplexität und macht Beteiligung an Wahlen so zugänglicher für alle. Gemeinsam mit VOTO leisten wir so einen Beitrag, das Vertrauen in und die Zufriedenheit mit der Demokratie weiter wachsen zu lassen, denn beides entsteht insbesondere durch Möglichkeiten der Mitbestimmung."

Team Member

Enquire now

Get in touch with us today. We are happy to help you to create the best Voting Advice Application for your election.